September was mostly focussed on adding additional functionality for Xero.
New Xero Accounting Endpoints
We’ve added two new balance sheet functions.
First up, we added the BalanceSheetByTrackingOption function. This function works in a similar way to the ProfitAndLossByTrackingOption. It allows you to produce Balance Sheet values for a single Tracking Option. You can call it multiple times to produce values for all your Tracking Options.
Secondly, we added the BalanceSheetAdvanced function. This function works in a similar way to the ProfitAndLossAdvanced function. It provides access to all the parameters of the Balance Sheet Xero API and can be useful to increase performance.
New Xero Projects Endpoint
We’ve added two new functions for Xero Projects Models.
First up, the GetTasks function allows you to retrieve the list of all tasks for a single Project. Rather than needing to rely on the Tasks function (which provides the data for all projects), this function allows you to optimise your data requests.
Similarly, we added a GetTimes function which provides the same functionality but for the Times endpoint. It allows you to retrieve all time entries for a single project between a start and end date.
New Xero Templates
We’ve added 4 new templates for Xero to our site. Over the years, we had many requests to provide a working example of an aged receivables report and aged payables report that we decided it was finally time to build it. You can find them here.