This frequently asked questions (FAQ) provides answers to the most common questions regarding OdataLink.
What are Data Files?
Data files are the generic term we use to represent a company’s accounting data.
For MYOB AccountRight Live or MYOB Essentials calls them company files. When using MYOB AccountRight, you select one when you first start the software.

Xero, on the other hand, calls them Organisations. When using Xero, you can change the organisation using the dropdown on the top-left corner of the menu bar.

What are Models?
Models exist to allow you to secure your data. They allow you to control:
- The Data Files that can be accessed.
- The data Endpoints that can be queried.
- The IP Addresses permitted via the fire-wall.
- The Users which can access the data.
What are Endpoints
Endpoints represent specific types of data which you download from your data file (e.g. Invoices, Customers, Suppliers, etc.)
For a complete explanation on endpoints, see What are Endpoints?
Does OdataLink store Xero or MYOB data on it’s system?
OdataLink download data in pages. These pages can be archived on OdataLink’s system to increase performance. This is entirely at your discretion and is optional.
This functionality is controlled via the Model’s Archive Type.
If you set the Model’s Archive Type to Live, Developer or Static, OdataLink will archive data to increase performance matching the option selected.
If you set the Model’s Archive Type to Live (No Cache), OdataLink will not retain any Xero or MYOB data on it’s systems except for specific configuration or internal database identifiers.
Regardless of the option chosen, OdataLink does store database identifiers (GUID) on it’s system in order to provide access to your data. These GUIDs are stored without any context other than to make OdataLink aware that data exists.
Can OdataLink employees see my data?
No. OdataLink employees cannot see data archived on it’s system. The data is encrypted in such a way that only the OdataLink software can decrypt it. Only specific employees have access to these systems and they also have no means to see this data except in encrypted form.
In addition, OdataLink employes do not have to your OData feeds unless you invite them to your account.
Can I delete archived data from the OdataLink’s system?
Yes. You can clear the archived data from OdataLink’s system. In addition, any data that was downloaded via OdataLink but unused after 4 months have lapsed are automatically deleted from the archives.
Where are OdataLink servers located?
OdataLink uses Microsot Azure servers in Australia
Is the ‘Free Edition’ really free?
Yes it is. But in order to provide it, we need to ensure it does not adversely impacts paying customers. As such, it has restricted features.
The Free Edition is also unsupported. It is provided so as to allow users to learn and experiment. It is not provided with the intention for businesses to create real-world reports, dashboards or solutions. We do not recommend people who want to create serious solutions to subscribe to the Free Edition.
For a complete set of terms, see the EULA.
Does it work with all versions of Microsoft Excel ?
Mostly. OdataLink is compatible with most versions of Excel:
- Excel 2010 and 2013 (with the Microsoft Power Query addin)
- Excel 2016 and 2019
- Office 365
Does it work with all versions of Power BI ?
Yes. It works with both Power BI on the Desktop and Cloud. Training guides have been made available to assist.
Does it work with Power Query ?
Yes. OdataLink works with Power Query included in both Excel and Power BI. Training guides have been made available to assist.
Does it work with Power Pivot ?
Not directly. To use the data with Power Pivot requires pulling the data into Excel using Power Query first. This is because Power Pivot does not support OData v4.
Why are some fields not appearing in Power BI and Excel
While all fields are useable within Power BI and Excel, some more specialised fields must be transformed in order to be useable. See here for more information.
Power Query
What are the Privacy Levels for in Power Query, Power BI and Excel
Many new users to Power Query get confronted and confused about the Privacy Level dropdown. This article explains what the Privacy Levels are for in Power Query, Power BI and Excel. It also explains how to configure them.