In February 2025, we finalised a major enhancement to the OdataLink Firewall. We are pleased to announce the addition of geo-based IP addresses.
In November 2024, OdataLink added one of the nicest quality of life updates for logging into OdataLink for Xero users.
Most of the time, if you are using Xero, you will be jointly logged in with Xero while using OdataLink. This button leverages this fact by allowing you to piggy-back on your already existing Xero login and credentials.
Simply put, it basically allows you to login to both apps at once using your Xero credentials.
Even while we were building it, it didn’t sound that impressive. But in a world of 2FA and MFA, it makes accessing either OdataLink or Xero a breeze.
We’ve been busy this past month, and we’re excited to share our latest updates with you. Here’s what we’ve been up to!
Xero Practice Manager
We are in the last stages of connecting OdataLink with Xero Practice Manager and finalising the associated documentation! You can either add this integration to your existing account or start a new trial.
Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks, or feel free to contact us if you would like to be a part of the testing phase.
Additional legacy endpoints for Xero
We added the ability to download the legacy Expense Claims endpoint for Xero. While Xero discontinued this functionality in 2018 in favour of their new (sic) Invoices functionality, we still have a few customers that use it and needed to access the underlying data.
Enhances to the Xero Projects endpoint
Some customers requested the ability to filter the Xero Projects endpoint.
The Projects endpoint can now be filtered for:
- multiple project ids
- a single contact id
- a single status
September was mostly focussed on adding additional functionality for Xero.
It has been a long while since we updated you all as to what we’ve added to OdataLink. There has been many enhancements to the platform. I’ll try to cover the more interesting one.
Welcome back everyone. We hope you all had a wonderful break over the x-mas and New Year period.
While January is a short month with all the festive disruptions, we did manage to add a new feature.
As the year draws to a close, we realise we have not been communicating as much as we should have. We started the year strong but somewhere in April, we completely dropped the ball.
We haven’t stopped adding enhancements to the platform, however.
As mentioned in previous updates, OdataLink’s focus for 2023 is to provide standard templates you can download and hook up with your Xero or MYOB data.
It’s no real surprise that the most common requested reports are Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet.
Our focus this month has been to simplify creating these reports.
First up, we have created a tutorial article that explains how to create a standard Profit and Loss Report using Xero data in Power BI.
In the coming days, we will provide a standard Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet template that use and showcase these enhancements.
Continue reading to find out all the recent enhancements made.
I can’t quite believe 6 months have passed since our last “What’s New” post. It’s actually been so long, I don’t remember all the changes made, but there have been many.
These changes can be grouped into 3 broad categories. These categories will also set the tone for much of the coming calendar year.
We have been EXTREMELY busy lately with all kinds of enhancements. It’s been months since we’ve had time to post what is new in OdataLink. While there is too many enhancements to include in a single post, we’ll cover the main ones.
Many of the changes are not visible and only impact how OdataLink works under the hood. They would only get very technical people excited. That being said, if you are one of those individual, read on.