What are Endpoints?

OdataLink provides access to your data using a concept called Endpoints.

Endpoints represent specific types of data which you download from your data file (e.g. Invoices, Customers, Suppliers, etc.)

We chose this term instead of Table to represent the fact that the data is hierarchical. For instance, InvoicesExpanded in Xero also includes information about Contacts, Invoice Lines, Payments, Prepayments, Overpayments, etc.

The hierarchical nature of the data may require you to expand it in order to get to all fields.

Why are some endpoints listed as Standard while others show Premium?

The Standard/Premium category is there to specify the type of subscription required once the trial expires.

  • Standard endpoints are available for both the Free and Paid subscription.
  • Premium endpoints require a Paid subscription once the trial expires.

Note that all endpoints are available during the Trial.

What endpoints are available?

For a complete list of the endpoints available in OdataLink, we recommend you check out the Endpoints article on our wiki.